Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A New Year. A New...You?


2012 sudaaaahhh.

Mesti time-time ni ramai yang sama ada tengah bersungguh-sungguh mengotakan azam tahun baru yang baru disenaraikan 4 hari lepas, yakni 31 Disember 2011 ataupun masih tengah terkial-kial nak buat senarai azam baru. So, in the spirit of the New Year and because I thought I should get back to blogging (uttered for the umpteenth time) mari kita tengok senarai azam baru yang memang selalu guaranteed akan ada dalam senarai oranglah okeh!

1) Nak diet.
Masyaallah, this one memang sangatlaaaaaahhhhhh popular. Especially amongst the ladies. From the younger set to the older set. Bukanlah nak kata lelaki tak ada yang semangat nak diet tapi sangatlaaaaahhhhh jarang dengar lelaki nak diet. Selalu lelaki kegemaran diorang melantak bagai nak rak, kalau boleh makan meja kerusi, semua diorang akan "ngap" (Okay, exaggerating di situ. Not all men okay, maybe just the men I know haha). As far as I'm concerned, this is by far the most popular and the most unachievable by most people. EVERYBODY says they want to diet and then not even 3 days later, they'll be gorging on 2 plates of nasi lemak for breakfast, KFC for lunch and Pizza Hut for dinner. Ape kes, bro?

2) Nak dapat 5A/8A/51A untuk UPSR/PMR/SPM.
Okay, adik-adik sekalian. Bukanlah nak kata azam ni tak bagus. Bagus, sebenarnya. Tapi kenapa restrict diri sendiri untuk cemerlang just for these exams je? So kalau adik-adik sekalian tengah Form 2, so what, it's okay to get 1A 3Bs 2Cs 2Ds? Not cool la like thaaatttt. Take it from me, work your beautiful behinds off and have fun at the same time. Get awesome possum results, go to a great university, graduate and realise that dream you've always dreamt of.

3) Nak kahwin.
Okay, don't laugh but I've a few friends who have made it their resolution to get married like this year. Dont get me wrong, I'm not talking about the people that have a steady boyfriend and have been planning to get married this year, I'm talking about those who are still single and are desperately looking for someone so that they can be married this year. Kenapa semangat nak kahwin tahun ni? Sebab kawan-kawan semua dah either about to settle down or have already settled down. Okay now, this is me okay. The way I see it, jodoh di tangan Tuhan. Kita boleh usaha but kalau dah tersurat kita kahwin waktu umur 40 tahun, kau nak buat apa? Yang penting usaha, nak kahwin, boleh je. I bet our parents pun lagi lega kalau anak-anak nak kahwin but cari jodoh sebab niat kau ikhlas nak mendirikan masjid, bukan sebab seronok tengok kawan-kawan kau kahwin. Hello, memanglah weddings sangat meriah tapi kau ingat marriage tu senang macam makan nasi time kenduri, meriah senantiasa? Kena ingat tu.

4) Get more money.
Ahhhh, money. The root of all evil. The one thing I always think of haha. That is not me being materialistic, that is me being practical. Whoever said that money is not important, try eating sand for a month and then we'll talk. I dont know how one would normally do this. Maybe get a second job, ask more money from your parents or sell yourself (okay, dont do the last two...). But this is one of the good resolutions if one decides to stick to it. I could also do this, provided I can get off my lazy behind and get a move on it!

5) Spend more time with family and friends.
THIS, I am 150% on board with! In this day where our lives are most often filled with burying our noses in our respective gadgets poking someone or stalking your latest crush's profile or tweeting about someone's unruly nose hair, we need to learn that physical human interaction is STILL ESSENTIAL! As much as all these gadgets do help us keep in touch with our family and friends but if we depend on these gadgets to interact, can you imagine what a simple dinner could turn into? Awwkkkwaaarrrddd....

6) Quit smoking.
Before I start, let me do this first...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Okay, itu gelak sinis namanya. This is another one of the popular resolutions....and one that is almost always unachievable. I should know, I've seen it happen oh about 300 times to my brother and my friends. In fact, about a year ago, my friend Eddy went to China and bought this electronic cigarette for MYR25 and he came back telling the whole office about how he was going to quit smoking with the help of this magical device. 3 weeks later, I bumped into him lighting up a Marlboro after lunch. Tanya kenapa give up his New Year's resolution? "Rokok elektronik aku jatuh kat celah lif laaaa. Nak beli baru, mahal." -_______________-. Sekian.

Sebenarnya, kalau nak ikutkan banyak lagi contoh-contoh azam tahun baru tapi kalau nak senaraikan one by one, sampai ke tahun depan pun belum tentu habis. Anyway, after you've read what I've said above, you may think I'm a cynic. Maybe I am, or maybe I was just being practical. I'm not a resolutions kinda girl, have never done any, would never think of doing any. Tapi I know there are a lot of people out there who still do this. So to you guys, make sure your resolutions are achievable and make sure you ACHIEVE THEM! All the best, may you get to finally cross something off your list by the end of the year!

To the rest of you, I'm going off to that mamak stall right around the corner there to watch people strive not to eat too much in the spirit of keeping to their "diet resolution". Join me?

Oh and Happy 2012, y'all!