Monday, August 8, 2011


Wah, sudah lama tak menaip di sini. Sudah berhabuk kehendaknya
blog ini. Saya pohon kemaafan sebab sudah lama tak menghadap blog seraya mengupdate. Natijahnya, saya malas tahap dewa. Faham tak akan kemalasan tahap dewa? Kalau faham, bagus. Kalau tak faham, faham-fahamkan sahaja.

Okay, anyway, let’s move on to the topic of the day. I was suddenly called, (Cheh, “called” gitu. Rase cam ade suara sepoi-sepoi bahase berkate, “Write about guilty pleasures todayyyyy!!”) to write about jengjengjeng GUILTY PLEASURES!

Actually dah terbagitau topic awal-awal dah. But please pretend that you have not seen it ohkayyyy.

You guys pernah dengar “ keseronokan bersalah”? Atau bahasa omputehnye, guilty pleasure?

Don’t know?! Haaaa, according to my best friend in the whole wide world, Mr Merriam-Webster, guilty pleasure is something pleasurable that usually induces a minor feeling of guilt. Atau dalam bahase pasarnye, keseronokan bersalah adalan sesuatu yang amatlah menyeronokkan tetapi juge boleh membawa kepada perasaan bersalah dalam diri sendiri. Tapi sikit je la rase bersalahnye bukan cam rase bersalah lepas mencuri takut kene potong tangan. Bukan bukannnn….

Usually the guilt is from the fear of other people discovering your embarrassing tastes be it in fashion, books, movies, songs dan yang sewaktu dengannya.

So today, in the name of updating my blog and also to somehow inflict embarrassment on myself even further, I’ve decided to reveal MY list of guilty pleasures.

1) Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

Image courtesy of

Here’s the thing, I’m not a snacks person. I don’t salivate over every single chocolates, crackers, desserts that I pass by but this, this delicious peanut butter-y goodness is the epitome of sin! OMAIGOD! This perfect peanut butter goodness will help you grow…vertically, that is. It’s sold in any hypermarkets tapi tak berbaloi beli sebab mak aih gile mahal and dalam satu paket ade 3 cups je. So usually my itchy butts friends yang baik hati (bodek ade makne ni sebab sorang tengah kat Finland) will buy them in bulk for me. CAYALAH KORANG! MEMANG KAWAN DUNIA AKHIRAT! Okay dah Tot, tak payah nak extreme sangat.

2) Justin Bieber My World 2.0

Image courtesy of

#dontjudge but once upon a time, when One Time was first released, I watched it and thought, “Cute girl. Boy? Err, not so much”. You see, JB wasn’t even on my radar, I was in fact eyeing the girl in the MV. Then Baby came out and all the girls went gaga over him and I thought, “Meeehhh.” Manymanymanymanymany months later, I was in my sis’ car and I was flipping through her CD collection and rightly stole some of them, including JB’s My World 2.0. Trust me when I say, I delayed listening to the CD. I actually played and overplayed other CDs first until one day, I thought “Whatthehell, lets give it a try…” Then, terus tersuke dengar Favourite Girl. Bukan saje TERsuke, malah selalu TERhum and TERnyanyi bile duduk sorang-sorang. Okay, BOOOO DEKAT DIRI SENDIRI! *Boo diri sendiri sebelum orang lain boo adalah taktik terbaik untuk mengurangkan rase malu*

3) Power Rangers

Image courtesy of

No thanks to my sister who used to shoo me away when she played house and Barbie dolls (Motif kau nak salahkan Kak Long?! Haha), I grew up as a tomboy, playing Legos and building space stations with my brother. Sooooo, my favourite show of all time when I was younger (and also a few years back) was Power Rangers. Doraemon pun kalah time tu. Memang tiap-tiap hari Sabtu, pukul 6, TV2 mesti tengok Power Rangers. Without. Fail.

4) Scrabble

Image courtesy of

YES I’M A NERD! Scrabble is probably my most favourite board game of all time. Monopoly, Life, Cluedo etc semua tu tak boleh lawan la. Another reason I don’t like to play these games is because I never win any of them. So saye ni agak (agak? AGAK??? Sangat, more like) competitive and I don’t like to lose, everytime someone proposes that we play any of the above games, I’ll wander off somewhere else. Dahlah suke main Scrabble, pastu seboleh-bolehnye nak bolot semua triple word score. Kalau orang lain dapat, memang boleh mendatangkan kemarahan! Therefore I reiterate, YES I'M A NERD!

5) Starship Troopers 1 & 2

Image courtesy of

3 words. Casper van Dien. One of the reasons I watched it when I was younger. Gatai naa hang, kecik-kecik lagi dah usha mamat hensem naaa. Buruk perangai sungguh! That was the time when I knew about NPH tapi time tu die nerd lagi, takde “SUIT UP!” bagai.

Starship Troopers 1 & 2 are cult classics, B-grade, but cult classics nevertheless.

6) Code Red

Image courtesy of

Code Red was a British boyband formed in 1996. My sister was a fan and I stumbled upon them because I thought one of them was cute. *cough* You’ve no idea how embarrassed I am to even admit to that. But yeah, I couldn’t care less about the songs, they were catchy pop tunes, typical of boybands I guess. Just thought one of them, I didn’t and still don’t know his name actually, was cute.

7) Road Rules/Real World Challenge

Image courtesy of Wikipedia

I’ve watched them all. The Gauntlet, Fresh Meat, Battle of the Seasons, The Inferno I, II, Battle of the Sexes. I’ve rooted for Abram, crushed on CT, cringed at the Mark & Robin hook-up and went “AWWWWW” at every Abram & Coral moments (these two are TOTAL bad asses but they “wuvved” each other. AWWWWW!). Eh actually, I’m not embarrassed to admit that I’m a big fan…

Image courtesy of

Okay, I just have to post CT's picture. My favourite Bad Ass EVAH!
Goddammit he's hot.

8) Sonny with A Chance

At the age of 23, to be admitting that I enjoy watching Sonny with A Chance (I’ve even subscribed to a Youtube channel that uploads the latest of this series) puts me in danger of being labeled as, “Lame” or a loser or to be picked on at every outing with friends (hence I didn't put a picture for this guilty pleasure. CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW EMBARRASSED I AM RIGHT NOW?). BUT since this list is called the guilty pleasures list, I guess I have to put it on this list. Somehow I have a feeling that admitting to this guilty pleasure is even worse than admitting to listening to JB. Okay, please don’t unfriend me.

Well you can’t expect me to bear with this embarrassment all on my own right? Mane aci! So come on, what are your guilty pleasures? =)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Can I have a personal trainer pretty please?

I pegi gym semalam.

Ewaaaahhhh! Sudah maju ye kau,

Actually I went because a friend of mine joined and she gave my number to Fitness First. So, Saturday afternoon, I got a call from an Ashwin inviting me over to check out their facilities and see if I'm interested to join.

Truth be told, I've always wanted to join a gym. I think it will be a nice change to be doing structured excercises under a professional's supervision rather than doing some random cardio workouts on my own.

So yesterday, I went with my sister to AEON Bukit Tinggi, Klang. Gigih kaaaauuuu! Tak tau jalan bagai, tapi sanggup ber-GPS dan mengharungi perjalanan yang mengambil mase dalam 1 jam one way! Lemme tell you, the drive to Klang nearly drove me crazy (See what I did there? No?...Oh nevermind.) Sangatlah boring tak terkate..Radio pun tak dapat membantu okay.

Anyway I digress. After about an hour and 3 tolls later, we arrived at Klang and went to Fitness First. Itulah first time I stepped into a gym. Memang la jakun kannn. Looking at the treadmills, cross-trainers, steppers in what they call the Cardio Theatre, I felt like I'd died and gone to fitness heaven.

Then, Ashwin took us over to the Group Exercise Room. Honestly, when he said group exercise, my mind conjured up this image of an aerobics class with makciks and an instructor standing in front of the class in neon-coloured leotards shouting, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 8 lagi!", yeah...that one. Sangkaanku salah. Because when I peeked inside the room, the participants were pakciks and makciks BUT there were also youngsters. AND AND AND instructor die sangat HOT! Young and muscular. *wipes drool* Oh and they were doing BODY FRIGGIN' COMBAT! Sumpah I jealous. =(

Anyway, shortly after that, Ashwin explained to us the joining fee, the membership fee. To cut the story short, basically if I were to join yesterday, I'd to pay RM319 and a monthly fee of RM205. Ahhhh, memang hancur la kan harapan nak join. Gaji pun ciput je, if I'd joined, memang stok makan rumput la tiap-tiap bulan okays! They were really cool, they tried to cut the price even more for me because they could see I was very interested. They even offered a one-week trial but the problem is not that I was reluctant to join. It was because of the monthly financial commitment that I've to make if I were to join. So unfortunately I had to turn down the one-week trial.

Dahlah I couldnt join, lagi menyakitkan hati was that my sister joined! I'll explain to you guys why I was shocked and a wee (okaylah a lot) jealous.

The girl who refused point blank to go jogging with my parents and me in the mornings at the Polo grounds, who considers walking leisurely from Point A to Point B a form of torture, who cringed when I asked her to join me for Adidas King of the Road last year, that girl committed to a year of exercising with Fitness First yesterday. I told her I'd personally kick her ass if she even considers skipping any of her workout sessions. Yes. I. Was. Serious.

Nevermind la, lets put it this way, I can sponge off fitness knowledge from her after a couple of months kan? Ye, ayat untuk memujuk diri sendiri (dah takde orang nak pujuk, yedok?!) Even if I dont trust her (just in case instructor ajar die buat A, karang die ajar I buat B+C karang tak ke naya? Because she has the attention span of a 5 y.o...Eh wait, I think that's me) I have to try to trust her la kan because I just found out that my metabolism rate is that of a 48 y.o. woman.

Okay dah tak sanggup nak sambung dah lepas keluarkan statement tu.



Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oh Dammnnnn....

Susu: Siti, what's an e-invite?
Me: *stares in disbelief*
Rei: Yeah. What is it?
Me: *still staring in disbelief*

After like 68 seconds;

Rei: Can eat wan ah? If can, can I have cheese with it?

Dahlah kerje urgent. Boleh pulak buat lawak antarabangse. Memang la kene sumpah seranah lepas tu kannnnn.

W: Where's Rei?
SW: Extracting water.
Me: Extracting water??? What?
N: Peeing la.
Me: Then, shouldn't it be dispensing water? I mean you dispense water from your body, you don't extract it. Right?
W: Eh, true also. When you say extract, it's something being pulled out..
N: There's this thing called gravity, it extracts the pee maa...


Lesson of the day?
Dinding kat ofis sangat nipis, mamat dalam toilet pun boleh dengar kitorang kat luar.

Habis tu, yang selame ni kitorang asyik mengutuk orang tu?

Ahh sudaaaaahhhh...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

There's This Girl...

Okay, who watched the first episode of Idol yesterday? The only Astro at this house is forever tuned in to Oasis or Bernama TV so I can only watch the show on 8TV, hence the first show, yesterday.

Anyway, who else felt like they should somehow brush their teeth after watching Victoria Huggins audition? Because the whole time I was watching her, it felt like I was eating a tonne of Cadbury's Crunchies + a jar of liquorice + a tub of honey. At the same time.

Ya Allah, lets just say, she is not someone I'd wanna meet first thing in the morning because her perkiness bugs me to no end and there would be a 97.5% chance I'd do something mean to her. Just to stop my teeth from hurting.

But she had a nice singing voice. I'll give her that.

I know kan, apehal tibe-tibe takde angin, takde ribut, nak bising-bising kan?

Haha but actually, this entry has got to do with something that I've been wanting to do for the longest of time.

I've a friend whose blog - Ada Apa Dengan Hanna - I'd really recommend people to read because she is funny. Her entries are, most of the time, sangat bersahaje dan sangat sempoi. Each of her entry will make you do one of two things: laugh hysterically or think.

Sometimes, sometimes, she'll be kind enough and make you do both.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Okay, so I won't mind being Gotcha!-ed everyday. Like, seriously.

Sooo, remember when I said today will be a good day?

It was a good day. A really really good day.

Apart from the fact that half of the office was gone, we also found out we'd finally be getting a new Creative Director! Finally! No more running around like headless chickens!

And then, the best bit of the day happened some time after lunch, when the team who went to Astro came back. Sueway mentioned that Ian brought something back for me so while I was chatting with her, Ian came back and told me, word for word okay this part, verbatim dan yang sewaktu dengannye that they told JJ & Ean about me.

"Babe, we told Ean and JJ about you. I kinda said that 'We have this copywriter, Siti, who's a big fan of you guys but she couldn't be here today'. Ean asked if you're cute. So I said, yeah, very cute, very adorable."

Haha sumpah sayang mamat ni, pandai je die butter me up in front of the 2 guys kan?!

"Anyway, they gave you something but it's not with me, it's with J."

Okay, I found that out at about 2pm and I was in agony wondering what in the world did they have for me kan. You see, J had to be in Shah Alam for the TVC shoot so she was out the whoooolllleeee day, first at Astro and then at Shah Alam. Lucky thing I had a little bit of work that I could do while waiting for her. Yes, I'm going to unashamedly admit that I waited for J to get back because I wanted to see what she had for me. And I was further motivated by the fact that she'd be out the whole day Friday again so, might as well kan, wait for her.

When she got back around 7.30pm, there was a whole bunch of people following her to her room because they wanted to see what I got. And it was in her room, I was finally presented wiiiitttthhh:

Yes, from JJ & Ean okay!
Lemme be giddy for an extra 5 minutes.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


The legendary Susu's Word of the Day: Pete/Pit
"I'm not your pete/pit!"

Translation: "I'm not your pet!" - said after J gave him her leftover food.

And metaphor of the week goes to Rei's, "It's like they bought the DVDs first before they even bought the DVD player.." (We were talking about how this client has done almost everything but their fundamentals are still shaky, so to speak)

Adoiiii. I'm blaming it on stress.

Anyway, tomorrow will be a goooooddddd day, hopefully. Because Eddy's acting Traffic Manager and when he's around, the Studio is like paradise on earth. Most of the office are going to the Goodmaid TVC shoot. Seriously, I dont understand why certain people have to be there when I personally think they shouldn't.

J will be at Astro tomorrow for the Vitagen radio commercial with, get this, JJ & Ean, Aznil & Raja Azura and MyFM's DJs. Yes, JJ & Ean. I listen to them everyday on my way to work. I'd park my car and chill while listening to their morning topic and their Gotcha! calls before I force myself to get into the office. Yes, I am a fan. And apart from meeting them, to be able to meet Aznil after that would have been a-may-zing.

But with all of this going-ons, guess where I'll be?!

At the TVC shoot?

At the RC recording?
Hahahahaha. I wish.

Instead I'll be stuck at the office because they need at least one copywriter on standby..If the fact that I wont get to meet JJ, Ean & Aznil isn't bad enough, I then heard J say, "Who are these, JJ & Ean? I've never heard of them. I don't even know what they look like!"

......I should be at the recording. Damn.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I have three designers in my department. They are Susu, Carmen and Rei. William is our Senior Art Director cum occasional designer. Carmen, William and I are still getting to know each other. But it is a totally different case with the other two. Rei and Susu are like my big brothers. Susu's the annoying-forever-teasing-you kinda big brother whereas Rei's the quiet-sweet-type.

Now, Susu's probably the funniest guy I've ever met. Most of the time, none of us understands what he's saying. He'd say something and we'd usually go, "WHAT? I totally didn't get you!". We actually have a list called, "Susu's Word of the Day" in Jelo's and Sherina's room.

Because of this problem of his, sometimes, when the boys are out and we want them to get us something, we'd try to avoid calling Susu because to explain to him and to get him to understand us will take the longest time possible and because of this too he tends to mispronounce names....and words. For example:

Sherina becomes Shasha (Okay this is not exactly a mispronunciation, it's just because he can't pronounce her name so he changed it)
Noelle becomes Novelle
Siti becomes Honda City (Fine, he can pronounce my name perfectly right it's just he refuses to)

And the words would range from the normal, forgivable ones such as:

Oh my godness! (At one point, said word even became, "Oh my Goddess!" I kid you not)

Lorex (Rolex)

Mosito (Mosquito)

Federal Rochey (Ferrerro Rocher)



Bubujela (Vuvuzela)

Peug Chew (Kill you)

Bulu (Blue)

Bu Ray (Blu Ray. At one point, we thought he was saying, "Booo, Rei!")

Blanda (Bangla)

Za ham bey (Zombie)

Monex (Molest)

to super ridiculous, tak masuk akal phrases that were usually randomly said like:

"I'm not Africa!" - I was in Jelo's room during one of our bitching session when he stopped by right in front of the room and said that sentence randomly.

A few days before our Christmas party, we were discussing on what to wear and he came over and said, "You guys no tukar baju la!" Translation: "You guys go naked la!"

And of course, "Coz my hair there got no shampoo" which was randomly said, again, in front of Jelo's room.

Most of the time, when he mispronounces words, I'd try my best not to laugh or if I did, I'd try not to LOL la kan. Until one day, he came up with the most random of all sayings which turned out to be my most favourite of all sayings of Susu's that still cracks me up to this day was when during a discussion at his table, he randomly went,

"Nipple is good for everyone!"


Thursday, January 6, 2011


It's 8.14am and I am already at the office. Only 6 hours of sleeeeepppppp! *slumpsontothetable*

Anyway, my friends have been asking where I am working at and everytime I say advertising agency, I'd almost always get the same reaction, "Wahhhh!" or "Best tu!" (the reaction gets even more bizarre when I say it's in Damansara...) I finally understood their reaction one day when they told me that advertising equals to creative hence people who work in advertising are creative.

I personally believe that everyone is creative in their own way and people kinda tend to forget that there are other cogs in the machine (ececeh, gune metaphor!), there are other people that drive an ad agency.

So todddaaaaayyyy kanak-kanak sekalian, cikgu nak ajar tentang the going-ons of an ad agency or in other words, how an ad agency functions.

First of all, the frontliners or the Servicing Department (sometimes also known as Account Management, ikut suke la kan agensi tu nak panggil diorang ni ape kan) In my agency's case (not MY agency okay, the agency I work in la more like) there are three business units made up of at least three Account Executives handling various accounts. Now, these people, their job's to go out, meet clients, listen to them and them come back, interpret what the clients want and /or need and then come back and explain to the Creative Department what needs to be done.

Basically, the clients will tell them "Oh hey, we wanna drive up sales/create brand or company awareness so we want you to come up with a print ad/billboard/TVC/radio commercial/brochures/anything and everything in the world to help us achieve our objective." Then these servicing people will ask all the relevant questions la like how much is their budget, are they looking at a campaign or a one-time thing etc. Potpetpotpet, conclude all already, then they'll come back and strategise on what can be done.

After that, it's time to brief the people who'll be doing the work. Usually, in my case, they'll log in the job and Traffic will handle the delegation of work. Now a Traffic Manager doesn't and I repeat, doesn't go around the office with a whistle in her mouth and a Stop sign in hand, she's not a lollipop man nor is she a traffic policewoman.

Upon receiving a job request, the Traffic Manager will assign a team of Creatives for said job. One team usually consists of an Art Director (but since we only have one Art Director, William is involved in allllllllll jobs) a designer and a copywriter. Then a briefing will be arranged and everyone involved, including the Creative Director and the Servicing-in-charge will attend and the job will be explained. Here, they will elaborate la what the client wants and how to give the clients what they want.

After that, all the brainstorming for concepts will start to happen and internals will be scheduled where ideas are thrown back and forth and the pros and cons of each idea will be discussed. Then more potpetpotpet debates and whatnots, when a concept is chosen, the Creatives will start on the execution.

Mooooovvviinnnggg on to the Creative Studio. It usually consists of a Creative Director, a few Art Directors, copywriters and designers. Usually the Art Director will be in charge of the art direction, see whether the visuals used are appropriate, maybe can extend one line or shorten a line, add dots here, turn the ad purple or rainbow-coloured etc. whereas copywriters write the copy which is basically the words you see on an ad and the designers make it happen! There WILL be changes along the way because the ad will be sent out to the client for approval, this specific time is called the material deadline. Then the client may want us to put a clown at the side of an ad or sometimes even Servicing will give their opinions to enhance said ad and after more changes have been made (the client will get a copy of the ad after each change), after copywriters have proofread everything and somehow everyone's satisfied then the Final Artwork (FA) will be printed out and all the people involved from servicing to the Creative team to the Production Manager will give their approval by signing on the work.

Lastly, the ad will go into productioooonnn. The Production Manager's work is to do math, seriously. When a job comes in, and all the collaterals (eg print ads, TVC, radio script, brochures blablabla) have been identified, Production Manager has to count the cost and estimate how much the agency is gonna charge and then the estimate will be given to the client to be signed.

There is another part of the agency, the Media department. These people do media planning. They dont buy media, our sister company's doing that. Media people plan the client's media schedule. Say they give us about RM900k of advertising budget and they wanna do TVC for the next 3 months to increase their brand awareness so Media people have to crack their heads and figure out how best to spend the money and make sure the clients get their money's worth and achieves their goal. Calculations are involved here but they said it's easy. I took Media Planning in college, I loved the calculations part but the scheduling part, not so much. Haha.

Anyway, side note, my company's Media Department is looking for interns if anyone's interested.

I'd better stop because I bet no one's going to even finish reading this entry. Haha. There's another side to an agency which is the AV production. I havent been on a shoot yet so I dont really know what goes on there, I've been told what goes on there la but being told and being there yourself are two different things. So I guess the next time they trust me enough to let me loose onto a TVC shoot or a radio commercial recording, I'd be sure to continue Ad Agency 101.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


The picture on the left is of Najib, Noelle and I. The picture on the left also was taken about 2 months ago during the Agency Trivia Challenge, where we placed 4th, held at Ecoba Damansara Perdana.

Most importantly, the picture on the left was featured in Advertising + Marketing magazine.

Saje je nak bagitau. Sekian.

Actually, another reason I posted this up is because I remembered something someone said to us that night. This guy, Peter who used to work at 8TV came up to the table and started chatting with us and remarked how young the P 'n R team was. And two days ago, our new Creative Director (CD) was introduced to us and the first thing he said was, "I'm shocked at how young you guys are".

I don't know if being a young team is necessarily a good thing or a bad thing. In a way, since we are young and very much new to the workforce, the way we see things is a little different from our senior counterparts but at the same time, sometimes, I do feel that the fact that we (especially Noelle, Ian and I) are young causes other people to doubt our capabilities. Sometimes clients just don't trust us because "Hey, they're inexperienced. What are they doing handling this account?" and in my case, sometimes I think people avoid giving me certain jobs because, again, "Hey, she's inexperienced. Let me handle this on my own." When that happens, trust me, it's probably one of the most demotivating thing that can happen.

But hey, everyone has got to start somewhere right? I can't just graduate, start work and be amazing in 5 days, can I? So like a wise man told me once, "You have potential, you just need to be polished. Never and I repeat never, let anyone or anything disorient you. One day, everyone's gonna know your name. Be patient, work hard and believe."

Probably one of the best advice I've ever heard, really.

Anyway, on a lighter note, here's a story. My MD who went for a work trip to Laos brought back two boxes of Lao coffee. While everyone in the studio was trying out the coffee, someone asked what date it was today. After the question was answered, said person exclaimed, "Bloody hell, the coffee expired already la!"

...too bad, I'd already finished draining my cup of coffee. Haha.

And oh hey, we got our company t-shirts and the girls are wearing XL. The smallest size available.

Diskriminasi terhadap wanitaaaaaa!!
Cube bayangkan the biggest size available? 6XL mungkin? Haha

Monday, January 3, 2011


After so much of pestering from people I call friends, I'm back to blogging.

Yes, peer pressure works everysingletime doesn't it?

To my new readers, welcome welcome. To my old ones, duuuddeessss long time no see!

Anyway, I somehow feel like I'm obliged to explain my blog name lest someone comes up to me and starts ranting about how "You'renotawesomeorperfect!Whyareyouclaimingthatyouareawesomeandperfect?Oneperasancaselayou!" (Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for any temporary blindness that may be caused by your decision to read the sentence above. And if you did manage to read the sentence above without having to lie down afterwards, kudos I truly admire your dedication!). Well actually, I did factor in the fact that I am kinda awesome, kinda (Hey, self - flattery is necessary. At times)...

But anyway, here's the story. I've just realised that I like to say "Awesome" and "Perfect" a lot. Like a lot LOT. For example, if in the office I tell a designer to make some minor adjustment to a copy and said person has done it and passes the ad to me for proofreading, I'd say "Awesoooommmeee!" instead of "Thanks!". Today, I was trying to do some work when I heard this awesome (You seeeee!) song blasting from Rei's computer so I said, "Rei! Please be awesome and send me that song you're listening to. Thanks!" The word "perfect" gets used in pretty much the same context, so you get the idea la kan...

It took me almost 3 hours to type the previous paragraphs. Yes, I've been away from blogging for tooooooo long for my liking. It might take some getting used to, to get back into writing. Which is ironic because I spend about 10 hours a day trying to write (Actually that's total bull. I spend about 30% of my time trying to write and the other 70% going off for random gossip sessions with my friends haha).
