Tuesday, January 18, 2011


The legendary Susu's Word of the Day: Pete/Pit
"I'm not your pete/pit!"

Translation: "I'm not your pet!" - said after J gave him her leftover food.

And metaphor of the week goes to Rei's, "It's like they bought the DVDs first before they even bought the DVD player.." (We were talking about how this client has done almost everything but their fundamentals are still shaky, so to speak)

Adoiiii. I'm blaming it on stress.

Anyway, tomorrow will be a goooooddddd day, hopefully. Because Eddy's acting Traffic Manager and when he's around, the Studio is like paradise on earth. Most of the office are going to the Goodmaid TVC shoot. Seriously, I dont understand why certain people have to be there when I personally think they shouldn't.

J will be at Astro tomorrow for the Vitagen radio commercial with, get this, JJ & Ean, Aznil & Raja Azura and MyFM's DJs. Yes, JJ & Ean. I listen to them everyday on my way to work. I'd park my car and chill while listening to their morning topic and their Gotcha! calls before I force myself to get into the office. Yes, I am a fan. And apart from meeting them, to be able to meet Aznil after that would have been a-may-zing.

But with all of this going-ons, guess where I'll be?!

At the TVC shoot?

At the RC recording?
Hahahahaha. I wish.

Instead I'll be stuck at the office because they need at least one copywriter on standby..If the fact that I wont get to meet JJ, Ean & Aznil isn't bad enough, I then heard J say, "Who are these, JJ & Ean? I've never heard of them. I don't even know what they look like!"

......I should be at the recording. Damn.

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