Monday, January 3, 2011


After so much of pestering from people I call friends, I'm back to blogging.

Yes, peer pressure works everysingletime doesn't it?

To my new readers, welcome welcome. To my old ones, duuuddeessss long time no see!

Anyway, I somehow feel like I'm obliged to explain my blog name lest someone comes up to me and starts ranting about how "You'renotawesomeorperfect!Whyareyouclaimingthatyouareawesomeandperfect?Oneperasancaselayou!" (Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for any temporary blindness that may be caused by your decision to read the sentence above. And if you did manage to read the sentence above without having to lie down afterwards, kudos I truly admire your dedication!). Well actually, I did factor in the fact that I am kinda awesome, kinda (Hey, self - flattery is necessary. At times)...

But anyway, here's the story. I've just realised that I like to say "Awesome" and "Perfect" a lot. Like a lot LOT. For example, if in the office I tell a designer to make some minor adjustment to a copy and said person has done it and passes the ad to me for proofreading, I'd say "Awesoooommmeee!" instead of "Thanks!". Today, I was trying to do some work when I heard this awesome (You seeeee!) song blasting from Rei's computer so I said, "Rei! Please be awesome and send me that song you're listening to. Thanks!" The word "perfect" gets used in pretty much the same context, so you get the idea la kan...

It took me almost 3 hours to type the previous paragraphs. Yes, I've been away from blogging for tooooooo long for my liking. It might take some getting used to, to get back into writing. Which is ironic because I spend about 10 hours a day trying to write (Actually that's total bull. I spend about 30% of my time trying to write and the other 70% going off for random gossip sessions with my friends haha).



Eza Hasnan said...

You are pretty awesome like that !!!!

Khael said...

Where have you beeeeeennnn?

Siti 'Afifah said...

EJ: Thank you for agreeing with me. Hehe.

Khael: I've been here all this while. Watching from the sidelines je. Hehe. What're you up to now?

Khael said...

Sitting at home. Getting fat. Haha. What bout you?

Anonymous said...

tot,the song it is i'm awesome by spose?i got addicted to it because the cynical remarks in it!

Siti 'Afifah said...

Khael: Haha, I like your answer. I'm working la right now (or pretending to work, whichever suits you). What are you waiting for la now? Get off yr arse and do smth! (Said someone who took a break for like 6 months. =P) When's convo eh?

Peoy: Niiiceee, might listen to it later. Now, I need a shower!

Hanamaruku said...



Siti 'Afifah said...

Hai. Tak sangke blogger femes boleh tau pasal blog I ek? Bangge I, you!

Khael said...

You were off for 6 months?!? Okay. Imma follow in your footsteps. I have... 5 months to go :P

My convo is in October 2011. :P